Regenerate buildings, society, environment.


Over 75% of Europe's building stock is obsolete, but less than 1% is renovated yearly. This data, one of many, outlines a great investment opportunity and a fundamental social urgency given that in Italy alone, in 10 years, there will be 500,000 fewer houses than necessary despite there being 10 million empty houses. For us, regeneration is a win-win: more homes for all, less land consumption, more green areas, and fewer abandoned suburbs. Regenerating properties, in addition to being a competitive practice from an economic point of view compared to new buildings, is also the key to reversing the trend from an environmental impact point of view. Promoting reuse is not just a choice; it's a necessity. It allows us to practice the necessary alternative to the disastrous consumption of soil. This is our duty, our commitment to environmental sustainability.

Countering land consumption and energy dispersion is a crucial action to contribute to the fight against climate change. From this perspective, urban regeneration takes on a fundamental role as the only alternative to the obsolete model of expansive urban planning, whose disastrous effects, due to the loss of ecosystem services provided by the soil, are made evident by increasingly frequent extreme climatic events. Regeneration at the scale of a large area can contribute to the fight against the social, economic, and demographic fragilities of metropolitan territories.